My Mission Statement

My Mission Statement

My mission as your teacher is to treat each and every one of you as if you were one of my own….

To comfort you and console you when you need it
To show you creative and divergent ways of thinking
To assist you and guide you to improve not only your learning, but your organizational skills and study habits
To nurture you with kind words that boost your esteem and self confidence
To nourish your growling stomach if needed so that you can concentrate and be taught
To construct and mold your character into a person that others aspire to be
To enhance your vocabulary so that you can one day speak at a public event, give seminars around the country, or simply converse with friends
To stretch and progress your writing skills to better augment your future as a newspaper journalist, doctor, teacher, or whichever profession draws you in
To expect you to try your best at everything and remember that I want progress NOT perfection
And finally, to make my classroom the fondest of your Middle School   memories by adding humor, fun, generosity, kindness,   critical and creative thinking, and last but not least respect   to your everyday existence because   YOU ARE one of my own….
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