

Homework is an important piece of your child's education as it allows them to practice and apply what they learn in class. It also teaches personal responsibility and  organization and planning skills, all of which are necessary for success as an adult. 

Second graders will typically have homework Monday through Thursday, although on occasion they may have an assignment over the weekend.
Homework is usually a math page and/or spelling practice.
Spelling practice is in the form of a packet which will be due the day of the spelling test each week. Your student will write the due date both on his or her packet, and in the their homework book.

Additionally, I ask every second grade student to read 20 minutes each night. Research shows that students who read consistently have better speech and communication skills, more logical thinking skills, and do better academically than non-readers. Whether you are reading to them or they are reading to you, building a positive relationship with books is so important. As a bonus, it's a great way to spend some quiet quality time together.  
Those minutes add up quickly! Read more about it  here.
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