Unit 1: Beringia

Unit 1: Beringia

what will we be studying?

Geography—7.1.7.A: Explain how common geographic tools are used to organize and interpret information about people, places, and environment

 History---   8.4.7 A, B, C.  Summarize the social, political, cultural, and economics contributions of individuals and groups in world history.  Explain the importance of historical documents, artifacts, and sites which are critical to world history.  Explain how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have impacted the history of the world.

Civics and Government—5.4.7 ABD—Identify how countries have varying interests.  Describe how countries coexist in the world community.  Identify mass media and how they report world events.

Economics—5.4.7. A —Explain how limited resources and unlimited wants cause scarcity.

 **PA Standards--- a) Continuity and change in the history of the United States and the world, b) knowledge of major elements of geographical study and analysis such as location, place, movements, and regions and their relationships to changes in society and environment c) relationships of the individual and groups to institutions and cultural traditions.  

what are we using in class?

Use this for class jigsaw

use this with presentation
View text-based website