Trojans 4 a Cure

Trojans 4 a Cure

PHS Trojans 4 a Cure

Trojans 4 a Cure is a student organization at Pottstown High School that participates in multiple fund raising activities, for different causes, throughout the school year. 
Charities that benefit from Trojans 4 a Cure: St. Jude Children's Hospital, Wounded Warrior, Autism Speaks, the Pottstown Relay for Life and the Pottstown Memorial Medical Center.
During the school year, we hold different events within the school and within the community to raise awareness and funds for the charities mentioned above.
Our next event is on February 9th, 2016. Trojans 4 a Cure will be sponsoring TAKEDOWN CANCER at the PHS/OJR wrestling match. Money raised from this event will be donated to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Donations will be given to #TeamSwish in memory of Adam Gibbs, fallen Trojan wrestler. 

Santa and his Elves deliver...

Today, around noon, three students from Pottstown High School dressed up as Santa and his elves and made their way to Pottstown Memorial Medical Center with the toys donated through the Trojan Nation Toy Drive sponsored by Trojans 4 a Cure.

Upon arrival, we were greeted by a handful of staff members who saw us coming. One lady ran from the 6th floor to the lobby to be there when Santa arrived because she wasn't exactly sure what was going on!

After we met the CEO of PMMC, Santa and his elves went to the Emergency Room to meet a patients and hand out toys to children who are spending Christmas Eve in or at the hospital. Some of the toys that were donated were left in the ER for those children who, unfortunately, may end up there tonight or tomorrow for whatever reason.

After they left the ER, they made their way up to the Pediatric Center to deliver the rest of the toys. After visiting with a patient, they dropped off the remaining toys and headed back to the lobby for their last Christmas deed of the day; caroling.

Santa, the elves, Coach Wade and I then joined the PMMC staff on the 7th floor kitchen to sing different Christmas songs with the patients.

We don't do what we do for publicity, we do it to make a difference...

Contact Us...

Mr. Woodley
610-970-6700 ext. 82134
Mrs. Heiser
610-970-6700 ext. 82132
Mrs. Martinez
610-970-6700 ext. 82211
Mrs. Mathias
610-970-6700 ext. 82022

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