HYPER-: over, beyond, high

HYPER-: over, beyond, high

HYPER-: over, beyond, high

hyperactive:  overly active; abnormally busy
hyperbole:  an overstated comment; exaggeration 
hypercritical:  overly critical; harsh in judgement; hard to please
hyperextend:  to injure a body part (e.g. knee, elbow) by bending it beyond how ar it should normally bend
hyperglycemia:  abnormally high level of sugar in the blood; a blood sugar level above what is needed for healthy blood
hypersensitive:  overly sensitive; sensitivity beyond what is normal
hypertension:  abnormally high blood pressure; having blood pressure over what is normal
hyperthermia:  very high fever; body temperature per and above what is normal and healthy
hyperthyroidism:  a disorder caused by a thyroid gland that is faster than normal and overly productive; results in a rapid pulse, nervousness, and loss of weight
hyperventilate:  to breathe rapidly and deeply; to breathe beyond normal or what is necessary 
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